07990 523 818

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07990 523 818

get in touch

07990 523 818

get in touch

Launch Campaigns

We know how important it is to launch your brand so we create a detailed timeline to ensure all aspects of your brands launch are completed and to the highest detail:

We ensure all listing platforms and third-party sites are up to date.

All digital marketing will be overseen by Toast, from copywriting, to setting up social media platforms to website design.

For your launch event we work closely with PR teams to ensure key influencers are invited, as well as key press to ensure your brand is blasted into the zeitgeist with a wow-factor event.

Let us become an extension of your team!

Whilst we can work and help on a standalone project, launch, campaign, we can also be your marketing team or an extension of it. We recognise the increasingly challenging time to recruit people in hospitality, so let us help!